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Steven Brunetto

Submitted by ProActiveAdmin on

I shattered my ankle in an accident, tore my hamstring, and had fractures all through my lower leg. After two surgeries to fix my leg, I had almost no range of motion in my ankle. When I got to ProActive, they evaluated me and worked on me 5 days a week for 2 and a half months to get me back on track. I went from having no range of motion and hypersensitivity in my foot to being able to walk and getting back to normal life in about a month and a half.

Michael S

Submitted by ProActiveAdmin on

This is the PT location to go to when your knee, hip, wrist, hand, shoulder or other body part hurts after you have had surgery, steroid shots or an orthopedic consult.
Do you want the pathway to healing- sessions at the Proactive facility and at home provided exercises will get you there.
A well equipped location with professional PT experts managed by Demetri who has deep experience in therapy skills and a wonderful demeanor. Several staff with advanced PT degrees.

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